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Gangnam Station, The Stopby Station

Date of Visited: 10th September 2011

After visited Everland Resort for almost half a day, we decided heading back to the Gangnam Station for dinner. Gangnam Station is the stopby station where the bus terminal for taking bus to Everland Resort is located.

Gangnam Station 01
Unlike the rest of the most popular area such as Myeongdong, Namdaemun and Dongdaemun, Gangnam is not that famous amoung tourist and foreigners, but to my surprise, this is one of the favourite hanging place for the local young people especially during the night time. As we spotted many shops and restaurants are located here while waiting for the bus in the afternoon, hence we tried out some luck looking for dinner.

Gangnam Station 01-2
Once we stepped down from the bus, we spotted this food street vendors and without waiting no more, immediately we grabbed a bite of this. This sausage stuffed inside bread with mixed of cabbage taste not bad and it satisfied our hungry stomach instantly.

Gangnam Station 01-3
At night time, the street of Gangnam will filled with all of this street vendors appeared from nowhere that selling ranging from accessories, clothes, shoes even to your most-wanted gadget accessories.

Gangnam Station 01-4
As we strolled down the crowded back alleays, we spotted pletty of bars, lounges and restaurants in buildings with three or four stories high. So if you love to have chilly night time, try out this area. 

Gangnam Station 01-5
Another typical type of Korea's food street vendor.

Gangnam Station 01-6
This newly reconstructed Gangnam Station Underground Shopping Center is another top spot especially for the female who can't help themselves from shopping here if bored with Myeongdong and Dongdaemun shopping area. No doubt that might ends up find some favourite stuff as this place is fully stocked with clothes, bags, shoes, accessories, sundries, cosmetics and much more variety. 

Gangnam Station 01-7
And for me, I did bought a blue small stripped handbag which "Made From Korea" from the Gangnam Station Underground Shopping Center. Well, it costs me more than RM40 but I truly doubt whether I might able to find this kind of design of handbag around Malaysia. And from Everland Resort, I bought 2 passport holders and a cute little tiny handphone ornament. I was looking for fridge magnet and T-shirt but failed to do so. Anyhow, I am so in love with these two passport holders and now my passport has something to wear on.


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