Amazing Journeys with MAS!

Today is the last day of Malaysia Airlines having great deals to destinations such as Phuket, Beijing, Hanoi, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Sydney, Maldives and more with the Amazing Journey's Campaign.  #MASAmazingJourneys

Besides the amazing deals above, you also got the chance to win a flight ticket from Malaysia Airlines flying to any destinations listed. How to win?

1. Like Malaysia Airlines Facebook Fans and once you're done, click on the MAS Amazing Journeys
2. All you need to do is enter with a slogan in 10 words or less and tag 50 of your friends. 

Hurry participate if you want to win yourself a fly ticket with Malaysia Airlines as it ends tonight. Even myself are participating this and who knows I might win? Try out your luck and I wish good luck if you choose to participate in this contest.

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  1. Oh, today last day liao....missed it!

  2. argh.. I miss this.. T_T.. but no prob, I was more to AA.. :D

  3. haha you post this on the last day, so hows the result? you won? :DD

    Latest: Thai Chakri Palace

  4. @Pete & Xue Ren - Sorry for the late updated. I was busy with my exam. If not, might probably got the chance to win.

    @Aki - Well, I also constantly travel with AA but this was given by MAS. So just share it with you all =D

    @Fish - Haven't know the result yet. Hopefully I could win a free ticket *fingers cross*


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