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Everland Resort - 5th Theme Area: Magic Land

Finally, this is the last theme area that we visited in Everland Resort, Magic Land. Yes, we did managed to stroll around all the five theme area of Everland Resort. Many people said that it's quite hard and insufficient time to visit all the theme area in a day but I guess my friends are and I are lucky enough on that day. Mainly because it was weekday and not many people as what we were expecting. One of tips to visit theme park is avoid going on weekends (if possible).

If you miss out the other four theme areas of Everland Resort, you can check out here:

Magic Land is a mysterious land of magical fairy tales. Each and every architecture of the buildings look like those fairy tales in the happily-ever-after story books we used to read during our childhood time. Not only the building, even the pond, the tree are really unique and beautifully designed.
Everland - Magic Land 01

Everland - Magic Land 06

Everland - Magic Land 02

Just like every other theme areas, Magic Land consists of three restaurants to fulfill the empty stomach and two souvenir shops to find some cute and pretty gift for families and friends.

Everland - Magic Land 03

Everland - Magic Land 07

Everland - Magic Land 04

Everland - Magic Land 05

Everland - Magic Land 08

There are even quite number of attractions and rides at Magic Land but we didn't gave a try. Mainly because most of the attractions are only suitable for children and seems like quite childish. The other reason was because we're very tired and seems lazy to queue up for a ride after wandered around Everland Resort for more than five hours.

Everland - Magic Land 09

Too bad that the Ferris wheel that provide a spectacular view of the whole park was closed to allow for more rides. And from here, it leads us to one of the most favourite attractions and myself personally like this place - a beautiful garden with gorgeous flowers arrangement. Most of this will be revealed in my next post.

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  1. aww! what a nice place to travel! :D

  2. All the buildings seem like cartoons came to life :D Looks a bit like Disneyland too but without Disney characters hehe :P

  3. Wonderful place feel like in the cartoon world.

  4. how come no human wan... when i was there in Dec, i was pack. did you see a lillie shop there. i believe it was MINE! ehehehh

  5. woW! this everland looks fun! but very empty... still early?

  6. Hi D.. can I call you D? hehe

    I've been to Everland once.. Have you tried the wooden roller coaster? hehehe...


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