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Cat Playground Cafe Myeongdong, Seoul

Date Visited: 26th March 2014 

As it was our last day in Seoul, we decided not to travel further and just loitering around Myeongdong Street, which not far away from Namsan Guest House. Oh well, it's another last minute shopping activity again especially for my mom. In the midst of wandering around, we spotted a cute orange colour mascot, to be precise it's a cat looking mascot with a signboard hanging around his/her neck. Approached the cat mascot closely and we saw it's written Cats Cafe and the rest were in Hangul. 

All these while I knew about this interesting themed cafe existed but never in my life visited this before. Hence, we're thinking why don't give a try since we still have plenty of time before our departure time. 

#1: Cats Cafe in Myeongdong 

We're greeted by the staff who politely requested us to take off our shoes and wear the slippers they prepared for the visitors. And upon entering the cafe, we had to disinfect our hands with a sanitizer to prevent from bringing any hidden gems to the cats. Just when we thought it's free to enter and what we need to do is just order the drinks we wanted, we're so wrong at all. Each visitor is charged with admission fee of 8,000 won for adult and 7,000 won for the kid. Although the admission fee is included a cup of drink with the choice of coffee or tea, I still found it's pretty pricey if covert back to Ringgit Malaysia - it's approximately to RM25. Since we had stepped inside the cafe and no choice but to proceed with paying the admission fee and ordering the drinks for four people. 

#2: The kitchen 

While taking our order, the staff briefly explained to us few things we should take note of, such as:
  1. The cats with the blue scarf signify they are pretty sensitive. So, it's advisable not to get too close to them.
  2. Camera flash is not allowed as the eyes of the cat is quite sensitive.
  3. Put all the belongings into the bag as these cats might be naughty. 
#3: Almost 20 cats within the cafe with different breed 

There are like almost 20 cats within the cafe; some were indeed playful and naughty and some slept throughout our visit there. We were in our best to avoid those with the blue scarf and play with those keep approaching us. 

#4: Playful cat on the barista 

 #5: My drink and the cat 

 #6: Yoga cat?

It's funny when my family and I are not really into cats, it's not like we dislike nor we hate but we are more into dogs (my family owning 5 dogs currently) but in this cafe, we just can't help ourselves with the cuteness overload by these furry little one. All of these cats were indeed being well-taken off and the cafe is exceptionally clean from any of their pee and poop around. I guess this is an ideal spot for us to kill the time before leaving to the airport. Meow Meow! 🐾 

How To Get To Cat Playground Cafe in Myeongdong
Myeongdong Station - Exit 6. Walk straight until spot New Balance shop and turn right. The cafe is located on the 3rd floor. 

Opening Hours: 12 pm to 11 pm (Close on Sunday) 
Admission Fee: 8,000 won for adult and 7,000 won for children including one drink 

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  1. hahaha....i heard in KL also have such Cat Cafe. A fren went .

  2. This is very interesting! I want to visit the Cat Cafe in KL soon as I like persian cats! I wonder whether they have same entry charges in KL. Recently they also have dogs cafe here too.

    That cafe has 20 cats! That's a lot.


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