Referring to the title above, now you know the reason behind why I barely update my blog lately.
Born on 17 October 2023 [Weight 2.89kg with the height of 50cm]
Yes, I'm officially a mother now. Both of my husband and I were beyond blessed on the arrival of our baby boy. Honestly to say, we, or should I say me wasn't have any high expectation on this pregnancy at all. Of course both of us wanted to have kid after married for 2 years but I didn't expect I was pregnant when I had 3 confirmed tickets last year. At the end, I had to burn all the confirmed tickets as my gynae said I wasn't fit to travel due to my health condition. Oh well, travel can wait right?

So how's my current life being a newly mom? Intense, struggling, exhausted and lack of sleep - that pretty much sums our life after having our baby. After all, it's not an easy task and indeed a challenging one, especially for new parents just like us. Only for the first month where I was doing my confinement at the post-natal care centre, but right after that, both of us took care of the baby on our own without getting any help or involvement from the both side of our parents. We don't even hire any nanny, maid/helper nor caretaker.
The post-natal care centre where I did my confinement for a month
Though it's pretty overwhelming and sometimes upsetting, this little "sonshine" does bring boundless of joy and immeasurable happiness to us. He fills our life with laughter and warmth and creates countless unforgettable moment together as a family of 3. Holding this tiny little one in our arm while watching him sleep will instantly melt our heart. Every little milestone of him has made us emotional and at the same time, fascinating to us.
My little boyfriend
Who will ever thought that both of my husband and I who used to love to travel so much will end up with raising a baby together, making milk, feeding him and changing the diaper every single day nowadays? Hahahaha...