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Taiwan Day 4 : Part 1

Teresa Teng Memorial Museum 01
Let's continue with my travel stories around Taiwan again!

I guess during the fourth day of this Taiwan trip, just in 1 day, we went more than 5 places. Therefore, I divided into 2 3 parts to avoid this entry packed with tons of photos. Another reason is that I can save for the next blog entry. wink

Kaohsiung 01

After visiting the most beautiful Lotus Lake (click here), stopby this shop for a while to buy the famous pineapple soft cookies. Absolutely love this and I bought 5 boxes. One box contains 10 small pack of pineapple soft cookies cost NST300 which approximately to RM30. Consider quite pricey but it really taste nice.

Kaohsiung 02

Pick the products you want, pay them and the staff will send all the items that being bought back to hotel in Taipei. Incredible service.

Teresa Teng Memorial Museum 01
Recognise who she was?

None other than the most famous female singer ever in Chinese communities around the world, Teresa Teng. Visiting Teresa Teng Memorial Museum is totally out of the itinerary but from what I can see in this short visit was the most favourable and interesting part especially to those uncle and aunties including my mother.

Teresa Teng Memorial Museum 02
So adorable when she was small.

Teresa Teng Memorial Museum 03

The museum not only primarily showcases Teresa Teng’s posters and pictures but also the dresses she wore, personal belongings, private collections, bed and car.

Teresa Teng Memorial Museum 04
Her stunning and magnificent dresses especially her cheongsam.

Teresa Teng Memorial Museum 05
The bed in which Teresa Teng slept in Hong Kong.

Teresa Teng Memorial Museum 06

Teresa Teng Memorial Museum 07

Teresa Teng Memorial Museum 08

Teresa Teng Memorial Museum 09
Oh ya! The admission to this museum is free.

Foods in Taiwan
Lunch time! This is what we have almost everyday for the trip. 9 meals twice a day - lunch and dinner.

Hello Kitty Shop @ Taiwan
Then I spotted Hello Kitty souvenir shop nearby the restaurant. There is even a Hello Kitty cafe but I didn't went in for a try because was too full with the lunch.

At first place, I told my mom that this tour agent that we joined for this Taiwan trip was different from the one we joined during the trip to Beijing, China but I was wrong. All the tour agents are just the same, where they like to con you by bringing you to some of the particular shop to promote and persuade you to buy their products. One of this was:

Hai Bao Pearl & Jewelry
To con those ladies but not me, no interested with these at all.

Hai Bao Pearl & Jewelry 02

Sometimes I quite dislike joining tour agent. Consider to blog about this issue when I have time for me to do.

To be continued of my fourth day in Taiwan in next post. Stay tune!

[Credit to: Asiaone Relax, TraNews.com]

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  1. wow,u have been to so many countries! So fun and enjoyable! XD Yeah,the haagen dazs ice cream is really that expensive,sob :'(

  2. Well-documented (i mean photographed) Taiwan travel, Diana. Love the pics of Theresa. I dont sing her songs but I know her as she's very popular.

  3. Oh yes, I remember these popular Pineapple Tarts! It's good :)

    OMG, did u say Hello Kitty shop & cafe?? I'm a big fan of Kitty & u can see all my gadgets in my blog! Hahaha! I've been to Taiwan on countless occasions but never knew there was a cafe. Gosh, how could I miss!

  4. wow! so cool! i wish i can go there too!

  5. salam kenal.. kalau nak baca my experience mengembara ke 46 buah negara, jemput berkunjung ke my blog.. :)

  6. LOL I don't recognize her... but considering the pictures in this post, I bet she is super popular during her time and even now.

  7. Hi Diana.. Bloghoppin here back.. ;)
    Saw that your blog was featured at the Malaysian Travel Blog list.. Congratz ya!


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