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Abisko National Park, Sweden

 << Previous Post: From Stockholm to Kiruna & Abisko <<

Not sure is it because of the walls of the hostels are quite thick or because my friend and I were pretty exhausted, both of us were barely heard any sound of cars passing by. We woke up spontaneously, without setting any alarm as we don't have much activities to do in Abisko, except for exploring Abisko National Park

#1: Abisko National Park

Right after we had our breakfast which we bought from the nearby grocery store, we suited ourselves with layers and layers - thick clothes as well as thick jackets too. Although it's fall which supposed to be in mild temperatures, but due to its location situated in the north of the Artic Circle, Abisko tend to be significantly colder than other parts of the cities. But still September is consider to be the ideal time for hiking where the air is fresh and cool. 

#2: Cottages painted in red colour

The tourist station of Abisko National Park is about 3km away from where we stayed. So my friend and I decided to have our own sweet time by meandering in leisurely pace as we're not in rush. In the beginning of our hike, we came across numbers of cottages and most of them are painted in red. 

#3: The mountain birch forest is filled with bright and fierce yellow, orange and red leaves. 

#4: A quick photo of Abiskojåkka canyon and river. This is so stunning and breathtaking! 

Oh well! We didn't eventually hike the entire trails as we chosen the easiest and fastest way which is by taking chairlift up onto Mount Nuolja. We're lucky that the weather on that day wasn't windy or else, they will stop operating the chairlift and we need to hike on our own which might takes 3 to 4 hours of hiking. 

#5: A 25 minutes of chairlift ride up onto Mount Nuolja 

#6: This place is famous for Northern Light spotting. 

#7: Standing on top of the world while admiring the beauty of the nature

Almost at the top of Mount Noulja, there is Aurora Sky Station where you can find a cafe and museum. My friend and I spent some time there by sipping a cup of hot coffee at the cafe, and writing postcards at the same time - one of favourite pastimes whereby both of us travel together.  

#8: Sending postcards from Aurora Sky Station 

#9: This is how exactly the chairlift looks like 

#10: After spending almost 4 hours on the top, it's time to head back to our hostel for our next adventure.

Till then, stay tuned for my upcomig post. 

2016 Sweden & Norway Travelogues

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1 comment:

  1. This Abiskojokka canyon and river are beautiful sceneries. I love to hike the trails or bike around such isolated places. Simply beautiful....!!!


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