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My Travel Haul & Expenses of Bali, Indonesia (2012)

What to buy when you in Bali? Well, apparently I not sure what to buy when I was in Bali except for Luwak coffee, which well-known to be the most expensive coffee in the world. So as usual, whenever I travel, mostly I just bought keychains, fridge magnets and even themed T-shirt as part of my travel collection.

Bali 01
#1: I guess not that many if compare to my other trips xP

Bali 03
#2: Besides the white one which bought in Ubud Market, the rest I bought in souvenir shop nearby Pura Luhur Tanah Lot - for my parents, brothers and myself.

Bali 02
#3: Kinda love tote bag lately cause they are indeed very useful. Mostly bought from Ubud Market.

Bali 04
#4: Bundle of keychains & fridge magnets got them from Ubud Market. The more you buy, they will give you more discount. Depends on your bargaining skill

Bali 05
#5: Different coffee flavours I bought - vanilla and coconut. As for Luwak Coffee, for just 50 gram, it cost almost RM100. I bought for my parents cause they love coffee so much. #coffeeaddiction

Bali 06
#6: McCafe luggage tag which I need to purchase any cakes and beverages above IDR60,000, then I will get it for free.

And the following is my sharing of the full details of my travel expenses that I spend for my 4 days and 3 nights trip in Bali, Indonesia:
Bali Travel Expenses-1
(The exchange rate by the time I changed; RM1 : IDR2,950 and RM3:USD$1)

  1. The airfare didn't include the airport tax and it's compulsory to pay before depart.
  2. Baggage allowance for my flight KL-Bali-KL-KK.
  3. Stayed for 3 nights throughout the trip, which including the breakfast as well. For more information about this boutique hotel, click HERE.
  4. Rate for a day is IDR350,000 - unlimited time per day and it's including the fuel and driver fee as well but excluded the parking and entrance fees. It can accommodate up to 6 people.
  5. This is optional tour but honestly, not recommended. Kinda disappointed.
  6. The fee is for the local but the actual fee for foreigner is IDR30,000.
  7. Most of my souvenirs and shopping haul are as above photos. Also including postcards and stamps which I bought and send out from Bali (unfortunately my postcards lost in space cause I never received it until now)

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  1. You spent most on souvenirs & foods. I'd do the same. Hehe. I love the shirts & totes! ^^

  2. wowww so detailed! Give u a LIKE!! favourite it ad! if i go bali sure will read! =D

  3. i like your budget template! simple and precise~

  4. waaaaaaa u spent rm1715! i travel cheap2 only :)

    loving ur hauls hehehe...

  5. wow, quite a lot but i guess bali being an expensive island, it's quite alright...

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  7. and oh yesh, sent it through my email dear ( :

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  9. USD$25 for a turtle farm visit? That's exorbitant!
    It has to be something very special, like the turtles of Galapagos to command such fee. I think I'll skip.

    But great travel pics and details here, btw.

  10. i think you bought too many tote bags lah, all for yourself?

  11. ahh.. i thought i left a comment (twice!) but seems to have fall off - i'm just wondering how is the taste of coconut coffee...

  12. Lovely travel gifts!

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  13. nice haul ...............

  14. I currently live in Bali and want to discover this island better so thanks to your post I know what to do next coming days :-) Thanks!



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