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Overview of Kota Bahru Media Fam Trip

Last weekend, I was being invited with few Sabahan bloggers together fellow medias for an exclusive 4D3N Media Fam Trip to Kota Bharu, Kelantan in conjunction with the inaugural flight of this significant new route which AirAsia is the first carrier to connect between both East Malaysia and East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia directly. 

Kelantan Media Fam Trip 01
#1: Press conference ceremony and performance were held once we arrived Kota Bharu

#2: My first ever media tag as a travel blogger

Kelantan Media Fam Trip 02
#3: Stayed in two different hotels throughout our media fam trip; Hotel Perdana and Renaissance Hotel

Kelantan Media Fam Trip 10
#4: We visited many historical and interesting tourist spots around Kota Bharu, Tumpat and Rantau Panjang area.

Kelantan Media Fam Trip 08
#5: Famous shopping spots; Pasar Besar Siti Khadijah or known as Central Market, Pasar Besar Rantau Panjang and Wakaf Che Yeh night market. 

Kelantan Media Fam Trip 03
#6: A visit to Kelantan is incomplete without having their local delicacies. There are plenty of delicious foods and delicacies in Kelantan itself and I really wish I could have bigger stomach to have them all.

Besides local delicacies, Kelantan is a state that rich in colourful and unique cultures; especially in terms of arts and performance. 

#7: Wayang Kulit (shadow play) in Pak Daim, Tumpat

Kelantan Media Fam Trip 04
#8: Wau maker in Kampung Badang

Kelantan Media Fam Trip 05
#9: Songket making in Cik Minah Songket & Batik Factory Outlet Store

Kelantan Media Fam Trip 06
#10: See the process of keropok ikan (fish crackers)

Kelantan Media Fam Trip 07
#11: Dikir barat sponsored by the Tourist Information Center (TIC). We were also being invited up to the stage to perform along.

Kelantan Media Fam Trip 09
#12: Goodies bags given by AirAsia and Tourism Malaysia

I would like to extend my gratitude to AirAsia and also Tourism Malaysia Kelantan for this wonderful and unforgettable media fam trip. I'd been waiting for so long to visit Kota Bharu, Kelantan cause Kelantan is one and only state that I haven't visit yet and now my dreams finally came true. For those Sabahan who interested in visit Kota Bharu, Kelantan? Now you can do so cause AirAsia is flying directly from Kota Kinabalu to Kota Bharu 3 weekly flights on every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

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  1. Been to kelantan twice. Both also by car :p

  2. Seronok nyer dia dapat ke Kelantan even dari nun Sabah.. orang di KL pun tak sampai lagi..
    Best betul Kelantan Media Fam Trip nie.. :D

  3. Niceeee... I haven't been there in years. Wonder how things have changed since my last trip there.

  4. Kelantan looks magical...definitely must go one fine day...

  5. believe it or not, never been to kelantan...pfft!

  6. Such a great experiences!
    Did not seen Wayang Kulit before...looks interesting.

  7. ouhh...kelantan...myhometown..
    me too, tengah pujuk ayah ke Kota Kinabalu from KB

  8. So fast lah u Diana! Ur photos so pretty!!!

  9. Wah you are so lucky to attend such event :)

  10. i read about this at Tom's blog. u guys had so much fun! the last time i went to Kelantan is when i was 9. haha.

  11. My hometown too!!! Btw it's Kota Bharu, not Kota Bahru ...

  12. wow..as a fellow traveller, i am happy to see that you get invitations again~ :D even though i have never gotten one before...hahaha...thanks a lot for sharing the colorful kelantan..
    Malaysia Airlines Flight Experience 2013 (Business to Economy)


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