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Everland Resort - 1st Theme Area: Global Fair

Date of Visited: 10th September 2011

Welcome to Everland Resort, the Land of Festivals for 365 days a year.
Everland 01

After taking 2 different routes which I shared in my previous post on How To Get To Everland Resort where took us almost 2 hours, finally we reached South Korea's largest theme park. One of my travelmate told me that die-die must also come here. For me, I'm not really sure where did I came across of Everland Resort and can't recall which Korean drama had I ever watched before that promote Everland but it's seems like six sense that I must go to Everland, and believe me, once I step in, I won't feel regret for travelling so far away from Seoul city.

Everland Resort is so claimed by most tourists that it's look alike Disneyland Resort, which I couldn't agreed more but if I thought I were in Hong Kong, I would feel like it has the both combination of Hong Kong Disneyland and Ocean Park. You will find out why I said so when I showcase the photo that my friends and I took at Everland Resort.

As usual, going to buy admission ticket before enter into the park but while queuing up with the local, we're being requested to go the group ticket office to purchase the tickets. According to the research that I done, the admission ticket for foreigner is 38,000 won per person but came to our surprise, the total amount that we paid was 23,000 won per person. We're not really sure why but for sure it was our lucky day.

Everland 02
A group photo once we enter the park.

Just like every other amusement park, Everland Resort is distinguished into 5 different theme areas that offers more than 30 types of attractions full of high thrilling and various fun; Global Fair, American Adventure, Magic Land, European Adventure and Zoo-Topia. And because of too many photo that my friends and I took (I guess most of you will do the same thing when visiting any theme parks), hence I decided to post all of these 5 different theme ares into 5 different posts. So, for this post is mainly all about Global Fair.

"Located near the front entrance of Everland, the Global Fair is home to a large bazaar decorated with reproductions of castles from France, Middle Eastern countries, Spain, India, and Russia. Not only visually captivating, the various architectural styles invite visitors into the culture and history of other nations, such as the Ancient and Medieval Periods of Europe." - Wikipedia

Once we entered the main entrance, we waited no more and ready our camera. This theme area makes me reminiscence I was in Italy instead of in South Korea. 

Everland- Global Fair 01

Everland- Global Fair 02

Everland 03

Everland 04
It's Halloween everywhere!

Almost every year when I visited any theme parks: either Disneyland in Hong Kong and even DisneySea in Tokyo also during Halloween time. This is because some of my friends and even included myself at that moment were auditors. Fyi, auditors are not allowed to take long holiday period during peak season especially April - August. Therefore most of my travel period is after month of August. Pity, right?

Everland- Global Fair 03

Everland- Global Fair 04

Global Fair is primarily a place for food, souvenirs and pictures as visitors make their way into and out of the park. There are many shops, and restaurants as well as special services such as stroller rental and lockers.

By the time we reached Everland, it was lunch time and because we were so lucky that we save a lot from our admission fee, therefore we used the extra money to dine-in one of their restaurant.

Everland- Global Fair 05

Everland 05
A set meal of pork cutlet curry rice cost 9,000 won and a bottle of orange juice cost 2,000 won

Everland 06

Everland 07

Everland 08
Everland 09

That's cover the first theme area from the five of Everland Resort. Will cover more on the next theme area in the next post. Have a great day!

NOTE: By the way, AirAsia is having a big promotion now. Has anyone of you bought any ticket to anywhere next year? For me, of course I won't miss out this chance and I was damn surprised that I managed to buy a ticket within 10 minutes with smoothly and fast once the promotion started without get through the most irritating "Waiting Room". Plus, bought a ticket for 7 people. Guess AirAsia has improved their booking system.

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  1. I love amusement park, great pictures, very colourful.


  2. looks like another version of disneyland..

  3. awww! so nice! im broke ad! so cant buy any ticket anymore! =(

  4. it looks like disneyland! :D so lovely and i loveeee it so much!

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  5. the name should be changed to neverland..sounds more like Peter Pan stuff...hehe..not cheap also hor the place..9000 won and 2000 won... wahlau eh..

  6. I feel like a kid after reading this post! Reminds me of the time when I brought my son there. Jon loves Korea. I think he has been there 3 times. He was really upset with me not taking him to Seoul this time. Lol!


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