Sheffield Hallam University Graduation

15th March 2009 at Shangri La Hotel

This is my third graduation/convocation. What I can said was I almos regret for not joining this graduation. I'm really want to thanks so much for few people who encourage me to join. They said if don't join, maybe in future I will regret. Thanks to my parents, Pei Fen, Mei Tzeu.

My KL ji mui

Never ending friends

My CF group members, Cindy, Hui Ann and Renee

Once again, thanks to you, Chai Hsia for always attend my convo. Thanks for everything

U know what? I'm starting to miss them. Feels like want to cry

This post is specially dedicated to few people.
  1. Yong Siang - So sad that he had tranfered from Johor to Sabah for his management training. So he can't attend as the air ticket fare is too expensive. Anyway, want to inform him that everyone miss him.
  2. Vincent Lee Tsun Hin - This fellow been so long never met him. He must totally busy with his KPMG work. Tsun Hin, if you saw this, you sure will regret for not joining graduation.
  3. Lee Sin Lian - My flatmate during my stay in UK. This lovely pretty housemate is still at UK with her sister. I wonder how is her now.

Lastly, to Mr Wong Soo Por and Mr Lee Jin Chern. Why both of you didn't come? Really so sad. Everyone was searching for both of you.


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