Gifts From Them

I was supposed to post this blog last weeks ago as it happened for past 2 weeks already but the times not allowed me to do so. As some of you guys know that I started to work currently and I was busy with my ACCA class as well as own revision at home.

Anyway, before the memories start to fade away, I would like to MILLION THANKS to few of these beloved family and friends:
Mom and sis Linda for this flowers and graduation bear for my graduation day
Lil bear from my first roomate, Chai Hsian. This is second gift from her and she attended my graduation for second time. Really appreciate it.

Pig or known as Mac Dao given by my forever and always ji mui. My sis want this but I refuse to give her

As for my birthday gift, it was a suprised that before I went back Sabah, Tracey and Kok Ming gave me this special gift.
Cute bread which can last till you're old. Want to try it? Taste nice
This is most suprised and shocking gift I ever get. Given by Purplefish, Meow Ling, Jenny and also Liong Sung. It was really a shocked for me when I found that this mascare was inside my bag and maked me keep thinking for whole morning who's that fellow put this thing inside my bag or I had accidently took it. I haven't open and use it as I really "tidak sampai hati"
THANKS TO YOU ALL. And this blog is specially for u all, guys

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