
Birthday Blast

1st March 2010
This was the biggest surprise birthday celebration I ever had. Not only 1 surprise or even 2 but it was 3 surprises in a day. At first, I thought it was just a normal celebration which almost I had every year but it was totally out of my mind and I speechless for for few minutes. Tears almost falling out at that moment. Without thinking any further, I thought that this celebration is only between me and my best buddies but never thought they will invite someone special =p

Celebration at BB Cafe.
Thanks for the best ever birthday celebration
10th March 2010
Second cake from my Company; Chocolate Cheese Cake. Thumb up for this and I really damn love it. Cheese cake is not my choice but for this, I really can't resist to take it

27th March 2010
At first, I thought that we gonna celebration Jon's birthday as his birthday falls on the next day. But once, they took the cake, I saw my name. It was another surprise. They are celebrating 3 of us birthday; me, Jon and Steven. Really thanks to my college's friend. W'ere having a delightful dinner at The Hut, Citymall.

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