

Heard of this place before? Well, it is a Japanese Restaurant located at City Mall. If you love japanese cuisine and not forgeting if you are seafoods lover, then you should go and have a try. The salmon fish is amazingly fresh as well as other seafoods.
I went with my family yesterday night. Talking about the services, this is the kind of services that I love. Friendly and always come with a smile. I would rather pay more for this kind of services.
Feel like in Japan
Blue tank aquarium with lots of cute and lovely fishes
The foods that we ordered. Sorry for can't introduce each of the foods coz we are too hungry.
And more foods...
Saw the chu-chu train carry sushi? This is what you will see once you step in
This is my second attempt for Japanese foods for this month. More to come as starting tomorrow from 20 until 23 April, Sushi King is having offer to all the members.

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1 comment:

  1. the price for Hana wasn't expensive too!!
    that day i went there for a try,but i forgotten my camera..


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