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Day Trip At Gaya Island

Zhee Yee aka Purplefish and Meow Ling arrived KK at midnight. Both of them having supper at my home, eating maggi mee! Hahaha.. You really can't imagine how hungry are both of them?

Pulau Gaya, is the first trip. It was one of the enjoyable moment that I had because my hometown BFFs are joining us. The more the merrier, right. Wawa, Pat Foo, Linda and Matt are joining us but so sad that Shing Wei was busy with her assignment. If not, it will be another perfect picture.

We gather at Sutera Harbour and my father drive us there. It's been so long I never experience snorkelling. And this time, must grab this chance.

Pulau Gaya is one of my dad's favourite island that he will bring any visitor for swim, snorkelling and even jet-ski. Sadly for this time visiting, my dad unable to pull down his jet ski due to some problems occured.

My hometown BFF

My KL ji mui

Anyway, we were really enjoy so much and having our day as the weather is fine and clear. Unlike the trip during year 2006, the rain keep pouring and spoil the happy mood. Glad that the guard at that island were so kind to help my friend that can't swim well and catch some sea creatures for us to see. Lots of sea creature he captured at that moment.

Nemo. Did you saw it?

I'm just love snorkelling....

Before we left, not forget to have a snap-shot as unforgetable memories

My dad's ship...MY ONE

Say Sayonara to Sutera Harbour...

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  1. me too...my best friend from hometown and plus u, jenny and meow ling. hope we got next trip in future


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