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New Zealand Day 1: Auckland, The First City We Visited in New Zealand

 << Previous Post: Day 0 - British Airways & Qantas to Auckland, New Zealand <<

Fyi, New Zealand consists of two major islands where most of the population lives - North Island (Te Ika-a-Māui) and South Island (Te Waipounamu). Those names in bracket are in the Maori language. We began our New Zealand trip from the North Island and the first city we visited is none other than Auckland, the capital city of New Zealand. For this trip, my friend Agnes took the lead of planning and arrange everything; from accommodation, car rental, tour and etc while I finally can just enjoy the entire trip with stress-free. Thank you, Agnes! 

We settled down in this budget boutique hotel by the name of Shakespeare Hotel for just a night. It's not just an-old school hotel, but it is also consists of pub, restaurant and even brewery. So if you love to drink, then this place is meant for you. Unfortunately, my friends and I don't drink. Location wise, it is tucked right in the heart of Auckland city - easy access to shops, restaurants, eateries and even the nearest attractions.
#1: Shakespeare Hotel - this is where we stayed in Auckland city.

#2: Most budget hotels don't have lift within the building. Therefore, pack light.


Address: The Shakespeare, 61 Albert Street, Auckland CBD (Cnr of Wyndham St & Albert St)
How To Get Here: After taking Skybus from Auckland Airport, align at 175 Queen Street stop, walk for 75m and then turn left into Wyndham Street, keep walking straight for about 150m and you will hotel on the opposite road with red-coloured building. 
Date Stayed: 13 September - 14 September 2015 (1 night)
Room Rate: RM332 for ensuite room with a queen bed and a single bed (we travel in 3)

Since our trip in Auckland was pretty short (like less than 24 hours),  hence we intend not to get further away from the CBD area first. Plus, we will return to Auckland again before taking our flight to the South Island.  

Here are some of the places and building we came across on our first two days in Auckland:

#4: Auckland somehow reminds me of Melbourne

#5: Business district and one of the big four accounting firms just behind me

#6: Stunning Victorian Italianate style building

#7: What a busy city! 

#8: Cool mural painting on the staircases

#9: Auckland Ferry Terminal

#10: Auckland Tower - one of the city's top attractions

#11: Church nearby the tower 

#12: Auckland Art Gallery's Clock Tower

#13: My geng for this trip 

My friends and I are not that particular when comes to food. Now you know why I don't claim myself to be a food blogger cause I'm fine with anything - as long as it's clean, cheap and most importantly, edible. If you are on budget trip like us, Auckland has few food courts with variety of Asian food with cheap price. We came across one which nearby the Queen Street that caught our attention. I know you guys must be thinking, "Flying all the way to New Zealand for Asian food? You must be kidding". We tried our best to savour as much as Asian food we could find cause throughout the entire journey, for sure we will end up with either burger or fish and chips cause you know, this is New Zealand.  

#14: Food court with variety of Asian food near Queen Street

#15: My friend ordered this Chinese fried rice and it's freaking huge that my friend unable to finish it.
By the way, wondering will Uncle Roger approve this fried rice? Or he will say "HAIYA!"

Right after satisfied our hungry tummy, it's time for shopping! Well-known shopping icon Queens Arcade is an ideal destination for shopping. You can find all sorts of shops here, from fashion to accessories and even cafe and confectionery shops. But if you often read my blog, you will now that this is not my favourite place to shop. 

#16: Queens' Arcade - retail store in CBD area

Souvenir shops are my all-time favourite place to spend my money. The downtown area of the CBD has a number of souvenir shops for a range of budgets. Just head over to the lower Queen Street and lower Albert Street area, then you find what you need as a keepsake.  

#17: Fridge magnets, postcards, stamps - these are what normally I got from souvenir stores

That's pretty sum up what we did in Auckland when we had like less than 24 hours. Auckland does have few historical museums such as Auckland War Memorial Museum and New Zealand National Maritime Museum but we tend to skip them. 

Right after our small little tour around Auckland CBD area, we went back our hotel and started to pack our things. Check-out time is approaching and after that, it's time to begin with our road trip around New Zealand. Will continue more of this for the next upcoming post. Okay, thanks bye for reading this post! 


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  1. there's a lot of fried rice. Their food portion is always that huge? perhaps can bring an empty container to 'take away' the unfinished portion. BTW, who is uncle Roger?

    1. That Uncle Roger who lives in London and famous for his fried rice critics. A KL born dude.

  2. Haven't been to New Zealand. Would love to visit it one day. That was one huge fried rice!! Haha


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