
On Hiatus Mode

I had decided to put my blog in hiatus mode for 2 weeks starting from today onwards for a well preparation of my external papers exam. I really love to spend some time to blog but I guess I unable to do so because there are so many things I need to cover for my exam. Blame myself for my bad time management....
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Featured Twitterer in BorneoColours.com

Being part of a Borneon girl is always what I proud of. Not just that, I am very proud too to tell my friend that I'm not just a Sabahan lady, but I am a Sarawakian too. Quite complicated to explain this but not matter where I from, I always proud to become a Malaysian. Malaysia my home, my place....
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7 Days of Wonderful Winter Taiwan Trip Itinerary (2010)

Finally, my Taiwan travelogue come to an end. Here is the compilation of my 2010 Taiwan trips which I went during X'mas with my family: Day 1 (20 December 2010) - First Day Arrived in Taiwan Day 2 (21 December 2010) - Window of China Theme Park - Part I: Miniature World - Window of China Theme Park...
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Nasty Souvenirs from Taiwan
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Nasty Souvenirs from Taiwan

Before I move on, I would like stress here that my post is not about those yellow minded things but it's a kinda sharing in case you run out of idea of what to buy when you plan to have a trip to Taiwan. Sharing is caring, right? Still remember my post of It's My Haul from Taiwan? If not, it's OK cause...
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In Miri To Meet My BFF
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In Miri To Meet My BFF

Seldom came cross where I blog about visiting around Malaysia? This is because I has visited most of the cities around Malaysia when I was in high school. At that moment, blog is still undiscovered by me yet. Well, thanks to opportunity given by the Girl Guides Association Malaysia Sabah and not forgetting...
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Foodie Friday: Snowflake, Mid Valley

Foodie Friday: Snowflake, Mid Valley

Beep, beep! Calling all aliens!Never thought Taiwan's foods has hit Malaysia like a storm especially their bubble milk tea and soya-based ice desserts. Everyone seems like addicted to them and it is something not to miss out when visiting KL.A few weeks before going back to KK, my university close friend...
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Watching Moving Creatures It's Fun Sometimes
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Watching Moving Creatures It's Fun Sometimes

I'm not sure about you but I found out I recently loves to visit anything that relates to moving creatures; most likely for a zoo or even an aquarium. I don't know since when I have those kind of feelings towards animals but don't you think it is fun to see those animals right in front of your naked...
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Maiden Premiere Screening from Nuffnang

Maiden Premiere Screening from Nuffnang

Do you still remember my post of an adventure with my lil puppy - Adventure with My Lil' Guci?Out of my expectation, I won a pair of tickets for the exclusive screening of "The Adventure of Tin Tin" .This is my maiden premiere screening by Nuffnang. Thanks so much!What a surprised before I am going...
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It's My Haul From Taiwan
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It's My Haul From Taiwan

Done with my Taiwan travelogue, now it's the time for me do a lil bit of "show off" what had I bought during my trip in Taiwan. Some of the items in Taiwan is consider to be quite cheap and it is worthwhile to buy as compare during my trip to Japan. Most of my friends who went Taiwan especially ladies...
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