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Post The Card

Received postcards from my friends who had been travelling all over the world. Hong Kong & Macau from Joyce This is her first ever adventures to travel around Hong Kong and Macau with her net friends. Her message was "Here are the HK postcard which posted from Macau. Macau really antique...
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Party Play Lifestyle Cafe @ Lintas

Party Play Lifestyle Cafe @ Lintas

I think most of you had noticed or even visited this newly opened cafe which located in Lintas.As what I'd read from Mei Tzeu's blog and one of my colleague, Angliea who non-stop telling me, regarding this Party Play, finally we had decided to have a small gathering at there.To Mei Tzeu: Sorry for keep...
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Kyoto City Tour
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Kyoto City Tour

Date of Visited: 27th October 2010 Kyoto is the first city we visited for our Japan Trip. The journey from Fukushima, Osaka to Kyoto took less than 40 minutes by train. Reminder: Japan train station is so complicated. You can't simply jump in the train. Once we arrived Kyoto Station, the weather...
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My Work Place

My Work Place

First, what will you see from the place where I spend more than 8 hours per day and 5 days per week?Blue blue blue...All in blue colour; calculator, mechanical pencil, pen knife, staple, ruler, paper punch and even computer mouseFor your information, blue is one my favourite colour.Mostly, FOODSSSSSSSSSSSSS......Foods...
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Funny But How Come

Funny But How Come

I starting my blog with this blogspot address:"dianateo-mylife.blogspot.com"But if you click that link now, it would appear this:The photo that appears on this link is my very best friend. Include was his profile too.How come ah? I wonder...I change my blogspot adress once is to avoid someone from reading...
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Recap of My 2010 History

Recap of My 2010 History

The year of 2010 is the year of tiger in chinese calender, which is also the year I was born. This year may seems to be a good year but too bad there are some not. Here is the recap of the my 2010 history: It starts with a bad beginning of the year. My family and I lost the closest family member;...
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