

Unseen meals from McDonalds..
Not the everyone's loving frieds and coke but the burger. It is sweet chilli chicken burger.
Do you want to have a try on it?
But's too bad.. This was in Sheffield. I really miss the taste of this delicious and fulfilled your stomach burger. It's damn big that you might need someone to share with you.
The cost of McD meals could be consider cheap, if you don't convert back to our Ringgit Malaysia. It only cost 3.25 pound per meal, comes with frieds and coke. And one more tips for my juniors and friends who will going there soon; please show your student card to the cashier to get a free ice-cream. Yup, I'm not kidding. Free ice-cream for students. How I wish Malaysia got this kind of services? It's applicable in Sheffield and Wales. I'm forget whether this is applicable in London and Scotland.
McD burger comes with variety of burger each day per week. Monday, "Chicken & Bakon". Tuesday, "Chicken Salad". Wednesday "Spicy Veggie". Thursday "Sweet Chilli Chicken". You still can choose other burgers which you prefer but the choice of the day will be much cheaper. My favourite is "Sweet Chilli Chicken". But if I recompare again, I will think Malaysia McD much better coz chilli sauce provided. In UK, no chilli sauce. They only provide tomato and BBQ sauce. Even some of McD franchise didn't provide thouse sauce and if you request from the cashier, "20 pence please". Holy gosh!
This friday, my friends and junior are flying to Sheffield soon. How times flies so fast without realise it? I really miss the time I had at Sheffield especially the weather. Gosh, somebody please stop me from saying the same thing over again and again.
By the way, I'm back with blog.
Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...baby! :P

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  1. you make me wanna eat McD..now!!!

  2. Hahaha.. U know the day after this blog, my colleague go eat McD and they tapao for the others..Makes whole office smell McD.

  3. after i leave u comment...i also went to McD for lunch !!


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