Awaiting Gift for Tomorrow Night

Awaiting Gift for Tomorrow Night

"Get ready because tomorrow gonna be the night you'll be remember forever."Well, I means my colleague and I. Tomorrow is the night for our Company Annual Dinner which will be held in Magellan, Sutera Harbour. Previous year, our dinner was held in Kampung Nelayan. This year annual dinner could be consider...
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Osaka at Daytime
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Osaka at Daytime

Osaka - formerly known as Naniwa. Its part of Kansai region, besides Kyoto, Nara and Kobe. The places Nicole and I been to when we were in Osaka: Osaka Castle This is a classic style of the Japanese castle. Osaka Castle is Osaka's famous landmark and the symbol of the city. The castle even features...
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He's 50 in Yun Man Steamboat Chinese Dishes

He's 50 in Yun Man Steamboat Chinese Dishes

1st February 2011 He is finally 50. Hahaha... So funny when everytime my friend asked me, "How old is your dad?" and when I start to do the maths, I realised my dad not yet reached the middle age. =p OK, another post dated blog again. Initially, my dad's plan was brought us to have dinner at his...
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Miso Japanese Restaurant @ Karamunsing Capital
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Miso Japanese Restaurant @ Karamunsing Capital

As today I plan to search for screen protector for my iPad at Karamunsing, we decided to have our dinner somewhere nearby. Without any doubt, my first choice will be definitely Miso Japanese Restaurant. This elegant Japanese Restaurant caught my attention when me, TTM and his friend were having...
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