Welcome to Our Family!

Welcome to Our Family!

My family just adopted new puppy, Shih Tzu breed and her name was Guci. Yup, Guci but not the world famous brand, Gucci! It is 6 months old now. Wasn't she adorable? I tied a pink ribbon on her but she doesn't like it. It's me and lil Guci...
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Day With My Ji Mui
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Day With My Ji Mui

16th November 2008 My convocation ends last saturday and my mom went back last few days. I was suppose to go back hometown earlier since some of my friends are busy working and some got class. But I refuse and book my ticket on 17th November 2008. After my mom and my aunts back, I went back to Wangsa...
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Day with Ex-roomate and Senior

Day with Ex-roomate and Senior

15th November 2008 First of all, really thanks a lots for coming to my convo last week. So touching that both of u come especially my ex-roomie who can have a good rest at home after being working for whole week but still spend some time to come...As well as my senior, busy with her assignment but come...
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Advanced Diploma Convocation

Advanced Diploma Convocation

8th November 2008 Today is the most important not just for me, but my mom too. She had been waiting for this day for so long. She is the one who arrange all for me which makes me feel glad and blessful to have mom that keep supporting in everything I do especially in my study. Wake up at 5.30 am...
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Scotland [Part 5]
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Scotland [Part 5]

20th August 2008Isle of Sky - Glascow Back again to Scotland trip. Ok! Ok! This is the last post about Scotland trip. After that, my post will about Europe trip, Advanced Diploma convocation and lots more. This is the 5th day of the Scotland Trip and we really start to dislike the programme being...
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Scotland [Part 4]
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Scotland [Part 4]

19th August 2008Inverness - Isle of Skye We depart from the horrible youth hostel that we stayed last nite. It's such a crippy feel to stay at there. And back to coach again to Isle of Skye. Today programme quite boring by the way compare to previous days maybe due to some of us too tired,...
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Scotland [Part 3]
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Scotland [Part 3]

Been away to KL for almost 2 weeks for my Advanced Diploma convocation. Should update my post bout the convo since everyone had post it but I seems so lazy to transfer all my photos to my laptop. Addition, my laptop hardisk is out of memory. Plan to buy new external hardisk but waiting for PC Fair that...
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Scotland [Part 2]
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Scotland [Part 2]

17th August 2008 Fort William - Inverness Depart from Loch Lomond at 8.30 am to visit Nevis Range which offer unique mountain experience. We took gondolas which is the cable cars to altittude if 2150ft up Absorb Mor besides Ben Nevis. Gondolas which took us to Nevis Range. Almost similar cable...
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Scotland [Part 1]
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Scotland [Part 1]

16th August 2008 Sheffield - Newcastle - Edinburgh - Loch Lomond We depart from Charlotte Court at 12.30 am. While waiting for our couch, I just realized I forget to take the most important thing with me. So I had to run back again back to my flat to take it. On my way back to my flat, I was...
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