Thursday, August 11, 2022

Bukit Tinggi - Japanese Village & French Colmar Tropicale

It was during the MCO period where we're not allowed to travel out of Malaysia, therefore we plan for few trips within Malaysia. Our first flight during the MCO period was to Kuala Lumpur and when my husband found out that I have never been to Bukit Tinggi, he planned this trip for me. Rather than rely on the public transport, he rented a Nissan car from GoCar instead as this gave us more freedom and flexibility to travel whenever we want to go.

Self-drive from Kuala Lumpur to Bukit Tinggi took nearly an hour drive and I was captivated with how smooth the highway road was, unlike the road condition back in Sabah with countless of deep crater-like potholes. 
Entrance Fee: RM16 per adult and RM9 per child and this entrance fee includes passed to Japanese Village, Colmar Tropicale, Botanical Garden and Rabbit Park.
Opening Hours: 9.30am to 5pm daily 

We began our trip by dropping at Japanese Village. From the parking lot, it was quite a distance to walk over to the Japanese Village where one need to climb the 88 steps and the steep slope. Hence, it is wise to wear a decent and comfort shoe. It might seem hard at first, but when we saw the huge wooden signboard informing us that we have arrived, we know that this journey worth every effort we took. 

Although this Zen-inspired Japanese Village is relatively small, but it's pretty serene and peaceful walking through the scenic and lush green garden manicured with calming streams, countless of Bonsai trees and pond filed with colourful Koi fishes. 

Right in the middle of the garden, there is a traditional Japanese tea house where the visitors not just can only learn about tea ceremony, but you can also rent kimono for RM20. However, I didn't plan to rent the kimono as I was pretty stingy to pay for it. 

The world's first Japanese tea house in the tropical forest 

Feel like I was transported to old Kyoto but in reality, I was in Bukit Tinggi, Malaysia. 

Right after we spent like more than an hour exploring the Japanese Village, we then drove to the Colmar Tropicale. For some, this place also known as French Village and I happened to visit the origin and real Colmar town during my recent trip to Switzerland last April. It might not resembles exactly the same, at least one can experience this colourful and vibrant town in Malaysia without have to travel far far away. 

Colmar Tropical tend to more crowded and busier than the Japanese Village. Some came with big group of family and friends and some engaged travel agencies and arrived in a big bus. This is because Colmar Tropical is easier to visit and explore by all age group, from infant to senior adult since this place doesn't require a tough climb as in the latter village. 

Felt pretty excited and thrilled when seeing the wooden bridge and tall clock tower from afar and I knew this is going to be one of the Insta-worthy spots. Under the wooden bridge, we even spotted a beautiful pair of lovely white swam. 

Now, it's time to explore the French-inspired town. The Colmar Tropicale retains the European-style architecture, styled with cobblestone streets, colourful cottages, quaint shophouses and streams of cafes and restaurants around the square of this little town is bound to make one teleport to a small village of Alsace in France. The vibes of this town are nothing less than joyful and cheerful. 

Situated at the end of the cobblestone street, there is an observation tower when visitor can climb up and enjoy a breathtaking panoramic view of the Colmar Square as well as beautiful green hills. The higher you climb, the better the view you'll get. 

Side Notes:
We even drove all the way to Bentong after our visit at Bukit Tinggi. Bentong is well-known for great and best durian, especially the Musang King breed (this is my favourite). It was indeed so juicy and creamy, if not because we want to control our cholesterol level, probably we will have more. 

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