Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sun Moon Lake & Wen Wu Temple of Taichung

Date of Visited: 24th December 2010

Ooopsss! Falling apart from travel post for so long!!!

The Sun Moon Lake is the largest lake in Taiwan. It is notable to be the most beautiful and most famous tourist attraction for both foreign and local visitors in Asia.

Unfortunately, if you happens to follow my post on Taiwan trip, you'll know that I'm joining organised tour guide and we didn't given any chance to stopby to take a spectacular photo of this place. That's why sometimes I dislikes joining them!

Sun Moon Lake 01
Only able to catch a glimpse of this place in few seconds from bus.

Situated at the shoulder of the mountain, there is a temple named Wen Wu Temple. It is the biggest temple on the northern side of the lake.

Wen Wu Temple consists of three halls:

Wen Wu Temple 01
The front hall where you will see once you enter the temple is known as "The Water and Clouds Hall". Its contains a shrine dedicated to the god of scholars and literature.

Wen Wu Temple 02
The middle hall which known as "The Martial Sage Hall", is specially dedicated to Guan Gong, the God of War.

Wen Wu Temple 04
Guan Gong's blade

Wen Wu Temple 03
Wind chimes along the steps, which are for blessings by the visitors.

Wen Wu Temple 05
The third and final hall, Da Cheng, is dedicated to Confucius.

Wen Wu Temple 06
Eventually want to grand many wishes but if too greedy, later God doesn't want to make any of my wishes come true. So don't be greedy and wish with sincerely.

We were given like 20 minutes to explore around this temple and from the photos above, it shown that I didn't manage to take as much as photo as I want. Because I was more focusing on something that located outside the temple.

Wen Wu Temple 07
Taiwan handmade handphone ornament and fridge magnet of their different tribes. So cute right? Sometimes feel likes don't want give them to my friends and keep it for myself :P


  1. So pretty! I didn't get to visit Taiwan cos too much free time and just hang out at Taipei

  2. tia mo tengok.. T_T.v.. ko slalu buat si Aki jeles.. gambar ko lawa2.. pastu tempat jalan pun lawa2.. Love ur Post dee.. ^_^.v.. Post more..

    p/s : Kopi sejuk bulih jumpa di Inanam ja paling dekat.. ho ho ho..

  3. taiwan~~~! so nice! sigh. dunno when i only got money to go!

  4. Taiwan is a very beautiful place with nice food :)

  5. cutebun - No worries. You can visit Taiwan again ;D.

    Aki - Terima kasih banyak2 sebab asyik puji my gambar. Yes, I will post more soon. :D

    Henry Tan - Sure you can after you're working. Just like me :D

  6. SJB aka Sue - Yes, it is. I love to visit Taiwan again but this time around, backpacking trip. Regarding the giveaway, will be repost again because I am restructuring the content :P

    Kelvin - You're right. Everywhere in Taiwan is filled with delicious and tempting local snacks.

  7. I saw Sun Moon Lake advert every morning while i'm in monorail, ur post fire me up more to visit here

  8. so pretty. Nice photos you have there.

  9. DT with this posting now you make me so eager to discover about Taiwan lor...and I will make sure to put as my travel list next year....

  10. Going to Sun Moon Lake for my Taiwan trip soon, though did not plan to visit Taichung. Do you think it is worth the time?

  11. Hi Diane, I’m Back From Finland, Arriving With Mr Angry Bird!

    Wow, thks for sharing these beautiful shots! Thought u were in Korea?


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