Thursday, September 1, 2011

Malacca, Historical Gem of Malaysia in 2 Days

If you ask me which of Malaysia state that I never been yet, there will be 2 states; Kelantan and Pahang.

And if you ask me which state of Malaysia that has the most historical site and attraction, I will definitely said Malacca for sure, besides Penang.

The rule of thumb for sightseeing is "If you have never been to this, means you never been to Malacca."

A'Farmosa Fortress 01
A Famosa Fortress, one of the eye-catching sights you must see when visiting Malacca, or else don't tell anyone that you had been to Malacca.

A'Farmosa Fortress 02
View of A Famosa from behind

A'Farmosa Fortress 03

A'Farmosa Fortress 04

Behind A Famosa Fortress, just a few walking distance and you will came across to the Dutch Square, where Christ Church of Malacca is located. What I like about Malacca was all those ancient architectures are just few distance away and I didn't have to waste my time and money to search for the transportation mode, except from the bus station to the city or plan to go other district like Alor Gajah.

Christ Church Malacca 01
Christ Church Malacca 02

Tired of walking? How about take a ride on this?

Christ Church Malacca 03

Christ Church Malacca 04
A beautifully decorated trishaw

Christ Church Malacca 05

And finally, the third place that we went to was Jonker Street, a small Chinatown street but rich with varieties of eateries, souvenirs, antique goods and more. Here is where you can hunt Malacca mouth-watering local cuisines such as the chicken rice balls, cendol and more.

Jonker Street 01

Jonker Street 03
Jonker Street seems to be more happening and bustling compare the time I came in year 2006.

Jonker Street 02
Most of them recommend this shop, Jonker 88 for the cendol and local cuisines.

Eventually, we went A Famosa Fortress again on the second day to take a nice shot. First day was crowded with the tourist and when we went back again around 5pm, the view of A Famosa Fortress was being blocked souvenir sellers.

So woke up early at 7am, after finish our breakfast, and now ready for our camera.

dt @ Malacca
DT @ Malacca, 2011

Now considering where will be my next destination of Cuti-Cuti Malaysia? Perhaps, Penang or Langkawi again (although I had been these 2 lovely places for 2 times, but I still love to visit them again).

Short Note: Out of my expectation, when I was updating this entry, my everyday-must-read-website, Malaysia MSN is also featuring Malacca: Malaysia’s historical gem. The title of this post of mine was taken from there. wink


  1. I would also wanna be able to travel around Malaysia! haha


    nice post

  2. Now thats a cutely decorated trishaw. Say, how much do they charge for a ride in that trishaw anyway?

  3. oh my, your pics are definitely better than mine! beautiful blue sky and lesser crowd!

    i went on a cloudy white-ish sky day and on a public holiday, hence many people! :(

  4. i tried to take a photo of a'famosa like your first pic - with NOBODY around, which is perfect!

    But impossible to get that on a public holiday. so sad... :(

    sunny days help too!

  5. I went Melacca too! Did you went on the same day as me? lol

  6. Nice nice. Come to Kuching also. Sarawak oso nice ma.

  7. Yay! I love Melaka and Penang too! Just got back from Penang not long ago =)

  8. Diane, thks for bringing me around Malacca! I haven't been there for years & would love to visit again :)

    I'm following u now & hope u'll do the same. Looking fwd to sharing our travel journey etc!

  9. Replies
    1. This post is probably where I got the most useful information for my research. Thanks for posting, maybe we can see more on this. Are you aware of any other websites on this subject…


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