Friday, September 30, 2011

Hello to Lion City Again (Sneak Peek)

It's the end of the month of September and this also means that's the end of my travel around 2 countries for this month. 10 days after back from South Korea, I went the Lion City and this time around tagged along my Boyfie as my travel companion.

Singapore - Merlion Park
#1: Symbolic of Singapore - Merlion Park.

We booked via Jetstar as it is much more cheaper than AirAsia.

Singapore 01 - Jetstar
#2: My boarding with Jetstar for second time.

Singapore 02 - V Hotel Lavender
#3: Most of the time I prefer to travel with shoestring, but this time around staying in a bit luxury hotel which much more convenient for both of us - V Hotel Lavender.

I'd been to Singapore quite number of times but my last visit to this small but unique city was back in year 2006, so I took this opportunity to the place where I'd never been before.

Singapore 03 - Clarke Quay
#4: Clarke Quay for dinner and met my 2 best collegemates razz

Singapore 04 - USS
#5: My main destination - Universal Studio Singapore. Not only going with boyfie,

Singapore 05 - USS
#6: But also with my sister who is currently working in Singapore.

Singapore 06 - Singapore Zoo
#7: Second destination must go when in Singapore - Singapore Zoo. This is recommended by my lil brother which he went there before and he said it was awesome.

Finally, it a must things to do when in Singapore - Shopping!!!
Singapore 07 - Bugis Street
#8: At Bugis Street for cheap bargain.

Singapore 08 - Ion Orchard
#9: Or even at Orchard Road for the high end products.

Thanks God it was lovely weather when we were Singapore because before I went there, the weather forecast predicted that it will rain everyday. Just a bit cloudy, so didn't managed to caught the photo with blue sky. Anyway, thanks to my dearest boyfie for accompany me throughout this trip. ♥♥♥


  1. Wicked! U travel to so many places!

  2. yeah i miss Spore~
    Now i prefer Jetstar too - after a very bad experience with AA.

  3. Oh, I miss Singapore. And of course, Universal Studio & Bugis Street :)

  4. Looks like you'd a jolly good time here in S'pore.

    V Hotel Lavender? Gosh, I've not heard of this hotel. Interesting! So did u break your purse shopping here? Hahaha! Have a nice weekend, sweeetie!

  5. My last visit to City Lion was last year..been to many places + foodie stop and of course shopping is the best thing for me....:-)

  6. cutebun - Travelling is my passion afterall ^^

    maso.tee - Both airlines have pros and cons. Just depends on the situation and timing.

    Aly89 - Yeap. It is recommended places when going to Singapore.

  7. Blackswan - This is really one of the most relax and easy trip I ever had. Unfortunately, I didn't burn any hole of my pocket coz I'm not really interested with shopping lately. :P

    Miss. Tina - For my opinion, foods and shopping at Singapore are more or less alike in M'sia.

  8. no fair.. i haven't been to universal studio, yet!

  9. ken - Hahaha. Sure one day you got the chance to there, bro!

    SJB AKA SUE - Really? I saw many of my friends who went Singapore will take photo with that statue, so I also follow their footsteps :D.


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