Sunday, February 15, 2009

Jet Ski-ing

After the tour of visiting Monsopiad Cultural Village, we're heading back to Sutera Harbour again. At last, my ji mui had the chance to experience riding on jet ski. Thanks to my dearest daddy.

We drove from Sutera Harbour and heading to Tanjung Aru beach. Jenny said at first she refuse to join as she scare but at the end, she said she really love to ride on it. Glad to hear that.

At first, I sms Wawa to join us but at the end, I sms her back that cancel. I thought my dad will brought us back to island again but my dad said. We just drove around nearby. Sorry ya, dearest Wawa. If next time my dad organize trip to island again, I sure will sms u all.
Here we go!
Tanjung Aru Beach
To purplefish. My dad said you are good in riding jet ski. Doesn't seen like your first time
With my dad
I love this pic
We gonna miss you, Ms Jet Ski
At night, we were having dinner at home as my mom cook. After that, we shop around Servay Hyper for some snacks and foods for tomorrow trip to Kundasang.
See how hungry is purplefish?


  1. diana...din mention on i pancut water on meow ling n u de...haha...very funny!!

  2. u still dare said that? at 1st me and meow ling is dry dry one, later u pancut both of us, become wet wet already

  3. seems like you had a lot of fun back in kk...
    take care..
    Kee in touch!!

  4. be fair..both of u also kena wet lo...
    to meit....i wil miss all of u

  5. oppss...soli..i thought tat meit is the meit tat snorkeling together v us...after view the profile...hihih....different meit...soli soli...really shy...


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